Company name : ABLE Inc.
President : Shinsuke Shimizu
Established in : March 1984
Capital :20 million Japanese Yen
Line of Business : Import and Sale of Persian Carpet/Rug,
Coat, bags, Jewelry
Sales Channels : Clothing stores, Kimono shops, Jewelry
shops, Furniture and Cosmetic stores
Our bank : The Ehime Bank, Ltd., Ishii Branch.
<The main office>
2-50 Asoda 6-chome, Matsuyama Ehime 790-0952
TEL +81-89-921-1239
FAX +81-89-932-7873
<The tokyo office>
502 Comforia daikanyama 21-15 Ebisunisi 1-chome, Shibuya
Tokyo 150-0021
TEL +81-50-3533-4492
URL : htttp://www.able-jpn.com
E-mail honsha@able-jpm.com